Hey everyone, just wanted to touch base to let u know that the Hallowed Grounds family could use your support right now. If u r a praying person we ask that you would pray for the owners son, Drew.

He has recently been relocated to the Cleveland Clinic from Encino Hospital Medical Center in Encino, Calilifornia. Andrew is recovering from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ARDS and is on a ventilator.  Drew's condition developed as a result of complications from aspiration pneumonia due to an overdose.

The Chabalas need your love and support. Please put them and their son , Andrew on any prayer lists u may have . The mortality rate for ARDS is 90%. Please pray for a miracle and strength and peace for the family. Every day that Andrew survives is a miracle. He has already defied death numerous times throughout this crisis. Drew seems to have finally rounded the bend after multiple setbacks. It is likely since he is young and strong that Andrew will make a full recovery.

We appreciate all of your support and cooperation during this difficult time. The Chabala family would like to express their love for you all and let you know that they count each of you as a part of the Hallowed Grounds family.  Families stick together and are there for each other no matter what and the Chabala family is glad to have all of you there for them now. We are a community and we ask that our community come together in this time of need.

Many of you have been asking "What can we do to help" and quite honestly aside from prayer - making a donation to the recently established You Care account entitled Drew Care would be a great benefit. Insurance has a $13,200 deductible/co-pay. Drew's first 2 weeks in the hospital totaled $441,000 and by now is well into the millions of dollars. The daily cost for the ventilator, which is his life support is $900.  There has been over $10,000 in travel expenses flying back and forth across the country since Drew was in California at the time of the incident and not stable enough to be moved. The Chabala's live in Pennsylvania. Andrew was  recently transported to Cleveland via air ambulance at the family's own expense and a cost of $29,000. Insurance refused to pay for the transport though they concurred that it was medically necessary. The Cleveland Clinic is not only closer to home but also provides a larger more specialized facility to offer Andrew the best opportunity for hope, healing and complete restoration.

Any donation is greatly appreciated to help cover the additional costs during these difficult days. As you consider your year end charitable giving, we ask you to give consideration to this worthy cause.

The Hallowed Grounds family and the Chabala's especially thank you for all for your love, prayers, and ongoing support that you have shown during this time of need. The Lord is good and he provides but he works through other people to do so and we are grateful for those of you he has placed here now for just such a time as this.

You can follow Drew's story and make donations online via the link below. Thank u again 4 your support.


Drew Care Fund link


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